NGO Digital transformation
Organizational activities on the Internet: news, reporting and sharing data on social problems revolutionized by business cooperation in the aspect of building a digital information center about religious persecution and discrimination around the World
June 2023
Product Designer
From multiples designs to one...
Our project began with a big challenge: an organization that reports on global religious freedom needed a comprehensive website redesign. Previously, the organization created a new website for each report, leading to inefficiencies and a fragmented user experience. 🕳️The goal was to consolidate all reports into one domain, presenting global, regional, and country-specific perspectives on religious freedom. This task was complicated by the need to build a headless, end-to-end content management system (CMS).
As a product designer, part of the scrum team consisted of backend developers, front-end developers, QA testers and a scrum master, my role was: ✊🏻
  • Design a consistent and user-friendly website that could accommodate all reports and allow easy navigation between global, regional and country-specific data.

  • Implement data visualization techniques to present religious freedom statistics in an engaging and informative way.

  • Integrate headless CMS (Strapi) and Assana to enable intuitive content updating by the organization.

bigger change
To overcome this challenge, I took the following steps:
🙏🏻 In the first step, we used the potential to refresh the ACN RFR brand with new, consistent image elements. We presented two mood boards, one (red) related to the informational nature of the organization's activities, which is to provide qualitative information and intervene in issues of religious freedom in the world. Red was supposed to play an interventional role, while grayscale photos presented facts without coloring.
The moodboard in shades of green referred to the world of religious freedom and was intended to promote equality of religions. The image elements include symbols promoting various faiths, and the brand's message behind this visualization is the belief that there is a place in the world for every belief and it is worth cultivating and protecting it.

By the decision of the organization, we implemented the project in the first presented style.
Mockups and prototypes were created to visualize the new website structure, ensuring that it was intuitive and user-friendly. A visual design language was developed that reflects the organization's data-driven approach, using tables, charts and interactive elements to present data.A filtering system has been designed to allow users to easily navigate between global, regional and country-specific data layers.
I worked closely with the development team to implement the project using Strapi, ensuring seamless integration with the headless CMS. Usability tests were conducted with potential users to gather feedback and improve the design. The site was iteratively improved based on user feedback and test results.
‍The website redesign produced impressive results. 📊
User engagement increased significantly, increasing time spent on site by 23% and reducing bounce rate by 18%. 🔍 The new filtering system and data visualizations have received positive feedback, making complex information more accessible and easier to understand. The intuitive CMS interface (Strapi) enabled non-technical employees to manage content themselves, improving overall workflow and productivity. 💨
⛪ The consolidated website increased the organization's online presence and credibility by presenting its comprehensive reports in a consistent and professional manner. Overall, by leveraging user-centered design principles and advanced CMS integration, we have successfully transformed this site into a powerful tool for disseminating information about global religious freedom, improving both user experience and organizational efficiency.

Sources & Insprations

🌱 Additional resources and items that guide or inspired me. Maybe they will be helpful to you too.