App cost calculator
We enhanced our app's cost calculator, increasing user engagement and reducing churn by 25%. This data-driven approach significantly boosted conversion rates and user satisfaction.
March 2023
Product Designer
Small changes to gather...
Our project began with the realization that customers were frequently abandoning the app when trying to estimate the cost of their projects on our platform. 🪫 This issue was identified through the analysis of HotJar recordings from users who visited the project's calculator page. The challenge was to increase the visibility and functionality of the app's cost calculator to better serve our customers and streamline the customer acquisition process. 👔
As a product designer, my responsibilities included:
  • Making the cost estimating process more intuitive and informative, ensuring customers could easily understand and use the tool to receive accurate project estimates.

  • Redesigning the app cost calculator to improve conversion rates.

🏢 To meet this challenge, I analyzed user behavior data from HotJar and Google Analytics. This analysis highlighted key areas where customers were abandoning the service or experiencing confusion. 💼 Based on these insights, I hypothesized several improvements and conducted A/B tests to verify them.
...bigger influence
I introduced more precise project categories and detailed descriptions to help users differentiate between different project types. Additionally, I included supporting materials to explain the product development stages, enabling customers to better understand the process and our services.To further enhance the user experience, I added a feature that allowed customers to send personalized messages with project details. This feature enabled faster and more personalized communication between potential clients and our team.
🤙🏻 The redesign of the app's cost calculator yielded significant results. User engagement with the calculator increased by 30%, with a corresponding rise in the number of customers completing the cost estimation process. The introduction of detailed categories and project descriptions led to a 25% reduction in user churn.
Moreover, the new personalized messaging function accelerated the customer communication process, resulting in faster response times from our sales team. Overall, by leveraging data-driven insights and iterative testing, we successfully improved the functionality of our app cost calculator and enhanced user engagement. 🚀

Sources & Insprations

🌱 Additional resources and items that guide or inspired me. Maybe they will be helpful to you too.