Dare to be BOLD
Internal cooperation with the marketing department - a rare practice of agencies to acquire new clients and offer services
December 2022
Product Designer

Tools used to develop idea to the project:

The opportunity
📌 In our company, the marketing department aimed to expand the customer base from the Middle East. We took the initiative to create a dedicated landing page presenting the services that have enjoyed the greatest interest among customers from this region in our current cooperation. 📈
🖤 Unfortunately, cooperation between the internal marketing department and designers is a rare agency practice. This made this challenge even more interesting and engaging for me.
My task was:
testing hypotheses created based on data from Google Analytics and HotJar recordings
creating a landing page that would best present the services
improving the effectiveness of influencing our target audience from the Middle East
The results of our efforts were very encouraging. Stakeholders expressed satisfaction with the revamped landing page. 🤑 Conversion rates have shown significant improvement, highlighting our successful targeting of the Middle East market.
Another successful collaboration in multidisciplinary teams. ⚡
Another successful collaboration in multidisciplinary teams. ⚡
Sources & Insprations
🌱 Additional resources and items that guide or inspired me. Maybe they will be helpful to you too.